English language ! Isn’t it such a hoot?
I’ve studied a few languages, at Secondary School here in Aotearoa New Zealand, and the best I can recall of my German is “Ich liebe dich mit meinen garzen herren!” which no German to English online dictionary can fully translate for me, so I blame or credit my Swiss friend Katarina [St Mary’s College Wellington 1966] for my mispronunciation and mis-spelling. I have always thought it meant “I love you with all my heart.” The problem is, there is no adult currently to whom I can say that… apart from God. [Grand-children will suffice beautifully.]
I am focused on English language currently because over the Christmas to New Year holy-days I have been exploring books I have had in boxes and now on my shelf for some years, and now their invitation has been rsvp’d. The book I am diving into at present is “THE SECRET LIFE OF WORDS – how English became English” by Henry Hitchings, [2009]. I acquired it in an Op-Shop; in Aotearoa New Zealand an Op-Shop is an Opportunity Shop, usually run by a Church group or a human or animal aid group. For a very few dollars we can acquire treasure…truly we can. TIP – always wipe these items over with a disinfectant Wipe.
My next few blogs will be about Language and I will quote from Henry every so often, with my own forming thoughts and opinions amidst them.
Ma te wa [see you again soon], Gabi